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for a job done right and a customized experience we're

Your local flooring pros

Common questions

What is Subflooring?


The integrity and durability of your floors are only as good as the subfloor beneath them. 

Basically, most floors have 3 parts:

  1. Joists are the structural ribs of your floors. These heavy-duty beams run under the floors of every room in your house. In an old house, you can go into the basement, look up, and see the joists.

  2. Subflooring covers the joists. Usually, it’s nailed to them. Together, the joists and subfloor distribute all the weight your floors take from above—running for the phone, flopping onto the heavy couch, dance parties with your dog (we don’t judge), your kids’ wrestling matches, etc.

  3. Last is the finished flooring that you see and walk on




Underlayment and sub-flooring are not the same thing. Underlayment a special surface between the subfloor and the finished floor. 


Why do you need an underlayment?

  • It reinforces the subfloor for the weight of final flooring material

  • it can act as a sound barrier for a second-floor room

  • most importantly, it serves as a vapor barrier​


The top common flooring complaints are:

floors that suddenly become squeaky, floors having "soft spots", and floors having musty or mildew odors. If you experience any of these mentions, the problem needs to be fixed before further damage is incurred.



Types of Sub-Flooring

  • Plywood is the most common material used as subflooring. It’s constructed from wood veneer sheets that are then glued together. It’s affordable and durable.

  • Concrete common in basements, also in single floor residential homes that do not have basements. If you have concrete subfloors it's important to test for moisture prior to installing new flooring. The integrity of concrete can very well be  compromised if it’s cracked or holding moisture. Underlayment is highly recommended since it can act as a vapor barrier. 

  • OSB, Oriented Strand Board, mimics plywood, it is made of chunks of wood that are pressed and adhered together. 

  • Hardwood floors. In older homes its common to find original hardwoods under recent flooring. They can make for a dependable subfloor. 





Hardwood flooring is know for its durability, however if you large or active dogs they can scratch the  floors fairly easily. If your pet is prone to accidents, get dirty, or is high drive; laminate and LVT has typically proven over time to be the best choice for pet owners. These type floors are durable enough, scratch and water resistant, and are better known for withstanding pet impacts and make for easy clean up.

Q: How long do I wait before walking on my new tile floor?
A: Most floors can take light foot traffic after 12 hours of being laid, however it is recommended to wait 24 .


Q: Can I use hardwood in my bathroom?
A: It is highly not recommend simply because of the moisture. Many vinyls offer a real-looking wood patterns if that is the look are wanting to achieve and would be a much for efficient choice.  

What does the flooring process look like?
Flooring Installation Process at a glimpse 


Existing flooring is carefully, throughly and properly removed.

Proper disposal + recycle

We provide proper and safe disposal in accordance with state laws

Debris free + Low Dust

After removal, steps are taken to maintain a clean and comfortable environment 

Sub-Flooring Preparation

A preparation inspection begins, ensure surface is clear, cleaning and making any repairs agreed on 

Through Inspection

A final inspection is done checking for debris and ensuring the subfloor is primed for the next phase

Professional Installation

Flooring is professionally installed, walkthrough and final inspection is complete

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